Principal’s Welcome
Kia ora koutou,
Tawa College is a school that prides itself on providing opportunities for students to grow and learn, personally and collectively, in all areas of school life. Our school is committed to values based education that celebrates holistic growth, success, achievement and serving others.
I am a firm supporter of restorative approaches that emphasise the value of the individual, and their place in the community. A school that cares about positive relationships also shares an approach to leadership that is distributive, participatory and collegial. An important element of this will be an ongoing commitment to growing our collective understanding of Te Ao Māori and recognising the important role of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in navigating our future together.
As a principal I value the importance of both continuity and change. Together we can preserve the best of where we have come from while embracing opportunities for meaningful change that will continue to benefit our students and serve our community.
Ngā mihi nui
Tawa college principal
Andrew Savage